DUJAT Member Management Plan(Fosterplan) Procedure
Welcome to DUJAT Member Foster Plan Website!
Please note, that this website is remitted to the “foster parents” and strictly confidential.
“DUJAT Members Management Plan (Fosterplan)” is to strengthen the relation with each DUJAT members in order to improve our services and come up with answers to their questions and requests.
- We allocated a “DUJAT Foster Parent” to each DUJAT member. The Foster Parents are members of the DUJAT Executive Board.
- The appointment with DUJAT member companies will be made by foster parent .
- It is advisable to make an appointment with contact person of the DUJAT member companies. Foster parents’ own relation individual(s) at DUJAT company(ies) can be visited but the contact person should be informed of the visit. Click here to see the DUJAT member company list with the name of the contact person.
- Member companies will be visited by our foster parent at least once a year.
- Foster parents will make a simple report based upon a simple questionnaire and the Member Visit Report.
- Send the Questionnaire/Report Form to DUJAT Amsterdam Office by Fax or Post with attachments (i.e. brochure, presentation materials, etc.)
- After receiving the report, DUJAT office will share the information with all. (at DB meeting, etc/ or on the web?(TBD))
Download List of DUJAT Member Foster Plan 2012
Download Questionnaire and Member Visit Report Form– for Dutch (non-Japanese) Companies
Download Questionnaire and Member Visit Report Form – for Japanese Companies
Download Most updated DUJAT Presentation
If you have any further question or remarks please let us know by tel: 020 3050 930 or mail (suzuki@dujat.nl)
Thank you very much for your support!
On behalf of Mr. Molijn
Kazuko Suzuki