On December 6 from 13:30 to 17:30 Asahimatsu Food from Japan will organize a symposium in the Omnia building in Wageningen where they will reveal the results of a scientific study executed by Wageningen Food & Biobased Research. Top management of Asahimatsu will be present at this symposium.
It concerns the effect of Kori Tofu, a proprietary Tofu product of Asahimatsu Food, on the level of Cholesterol in humans after eating a controlled quantity of Kori Tofu over a limited period of time.
The study was a double blind study fulfilling all scientific requirements as set by Wageningen Food & Biobased Research. As the symposium will be organized ahead of the formal publication in a scientific journal, attendance will only be possible by invitation to keep the results confidential until publication.
However participants may work with the results on a confidential basis in case they find the product interesting as a product or as an ingredient. In case you like to be considered for an invitation please respond by sending an e-mail to the eventmanager of Asahimatsu support -Kirsten Hek- at event@asahimatsusupport.com.