Members of Dujat are welcome to join the following JCC event.
Should you have any questions, please contact JCC Secretariat.
Great East Japan Earthquake -10 years after – Nederland bedankt
Thursday March 11, 2021 from 12.00 – 13.00 (CET) / 20.00 – 21.00 (JST)
March 11, 2021 marks 10 years of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.
The magnitude 9.0 earthquake was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan and the world’s fourth largest earthquake (approx. 19,000 death, 2,500 missing, 121,996 housing damage). The 40m Tsunami in the aftermath of earthquake caused the nuclear powerplant accident in Fukushima.
On this occasion, JCC would like to express our sincere condolences to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami, and offer our heartfelt sympathy to all who were affected in the disaster area.
At the same time, we want to express our gratitude to the tremendous support from Dutch people and society to the affected area after the earthquake and tsunami.
It will be also a good opportunity for both Dutch and Japanese to know about the reconstruction progress in last 10 years and the current situation through video message from affected cities.
We hope that this occasion would further develop the strong friendship, cultural and business ties between Japan and the Netherlands since 1600, and can continue our trust, respect and friendship for years to come.
[Date/ Time] Thursday March 11, 2021 from 12.00 – 13.00 (CET) / 20.00 – 21.00 (JST)
12.00: Login – opening
12.02: Recall of support activities in the Netherlands in 2011 and reconstruction in affected area. (Video)
12.10:Speech by JCC Chairman Mr Hideaki Takase / Moment of silence
12.15:Speech by H.E. Mr Hidehisa Horinouchi, Ambasador of Japan to the Netherlands
12.25: 10 year reconstruction and future –Video message from affected cities.
- Yamada Town, Iwate (daughter town of Zeist)
- Koriyama City, Fukushima (daughter city of Brummen)
- Rikuzen Takata City, Iwate prefecture (25,000 Tulip Bulbs donations by the tulip grower in Den Helder)
- Fukushima Mimpo News agency/ Reconstruction Agency – “Convey our gratitude”
13.00:End of the program
- How to register: Please click below link to register. After registration you will receive the webinar link with password later
- . (no username and password needed)
- Language: English and Japanese
Please feel free to forward the invitation to your family, colleague and friends.
We are looking forward to your participation.
JCC東日本大震災10年 オンラインイベントのご案内
会員の皆様ご本人はもちろんのこと、会員様のご家族、ご同僚、ご友人などのご参加も歓迎いたします。 皆さまからのご参加申込をお待ちしております。
12.10:髙瀬 英明 JCC会頭挨拶 /震災犠牲者へ黙とう
12.15:堀之内 秀久 駐オランダ日本国大使ご挨拶
- 岩手県山田町 (Zeist市 姉妹都市)
- 福島県郡山市 (Brummen市 姉妹都市)
- 岩手県陸前高田市 (チューリップ業者が25000株のチューリップ球根を寄付)
- 福島民報社 ・復興庁(福島感謝発信ビデオ)
- 配信方法:Zoomによるウェビナー形式
- お申し込み方法: 以下JCCホームページからお申し込みください。 (ユーザーネーム、パスワード不要) お申し込みの皆様に後日、リンクとパスワードをお伝えします。
- 使用言語:日本語、英語
- このオンラインイベントのお問合せはJCC事務局担当鈴木まで