[2021-05-12] Olympic games Tokyo 2021: nutrition and medical support for sports performance (Webinar)

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We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming webinar: Olympic games Tokyo 2021: nutrition and medical support for sports performance on Wednesday 12 May, which is organized in collaboration with Wageningen Campus, Nutrition & Healthcare Alliance, and Oost NL, East Netherlands Development Agency.

How can nutrition support the best performance during the Olympic games? Insights in innovation at the crossover of food and health. What are effects of Japanese foods on your health?

During this webinar you will learn about research and innovation in nutrition and sports. You will virtually experience the Wageningen region, the Silicon Valley of Foods, home to organizations like Hospital Gelderse Vallei, Sports Valley, Wageningen University & Research, Olympic Training Centre Papendal, and Japanse Agri food companies like Kikkoman, Kubota, NARO institute, Asahi, Omori, and Hosokawa Micron.

Hospital Gelderse Vallei is frontrunner in integrating nutrition and sports in patient care. Their Sports Valley High Performance Medical Centre provides care for Olympic athletes.

Nutrition experts and medical specialist will give you new insights and inspire you with new collaboration possibilities.

Date: Wednesday, 12 May, 2021

Time: 15:30 – 17:15 (CEST)

Language: English


15:30    Welcome by Mirjam van ’t Veld, Chair Gelderse Vallei Hospital and moderator of the webinar

15:35    Opening remarks by Christa de Kemp, Managing Director of Dujat

15:40   Introduction of the webinar, Why is East Netherlands a World-Class region for Sports & Nutrition? by Jurgen Sonneborn de Leur, Senior advisor food and Japan desk – East Netherlands Development Agency

15:50    Introduction to Sports Valley, High Performance Medical Centre, Tokyo 2021 by Bas Maresch, Radiologist, Sports Valley

16:05    Effects of Nutrition on sports performance by Dr. Marco Mensink, Assistant Professor at Wageningen University

16:20   Japanese food and health effect research
Interview with Tom van Loenhout, Cardiologist and chair of the Nutrition & Healthcare Alliance

16:35    Fuji Oil- our contribution to delicious and healthy food by Liz Kamei PhD, Director of Open Innovation & External partnerships (Fuji Europe Africa BV)

16:50   Q&A

17:05   Closing remarks by Hans Kuijpers, Director Investment Projects & Investor Climate NFIA, Board member Dujat

17:15   End of Event