On Wednesday 30 November, the very interactive AI Seminar took place with presentations by IBM and Jones Day. With a group of interested members we were pleased to discuss the existing and upcoming EU regulations for AI, as well as the rights and also the practical side of Artificial Intelligence.
We extend our special thanks to Jones Day for hosting the event and for presenting, to IBM for their very interesting presentation, and to our members for their active participation. We look forward to welcoming you to our next event!
We are delighted to invite you to our seminar on the Opportunities and Risks of AI in Europe on Wednesday 30 November, which is organized in collaboration with Jones Day and IBM.
AI is a pervasive technology which is increasingly developed and used across all companies globally to increase revenues, quality and speed of production, or to drive down operating costs. Government and industry leaders all speak of the need to adopt AI and maintain a “strategic edge” in AI innovation capabilities, while ensuring that AI is used in correct or humane ways. As a result, an increasing body of regulation is being developed in Europe aiming at making the EU a world-class hub for AI, while ensuring that AI is human-centric and trustworthy.
The seminar will start with a presentation by Laurent De Muyter, Partner at Jones Day Brussels, who will give you insight in the existing and upcoming EU regulations in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Then, Andreas Holzwarth, Partner at Jones Day Frankfurt will explain more about how to protect your IP rights for AI. Lastly, Phaedra Kortekaas, Country Leader at IBM Consulting the Netherlands will present IBM’s view on opportunities raised by AI.
This seminar is open to everyone with an interest in AI, regardless of their professional background or whether they have experience in the field.
Date: Wednesday 30 November
Time: 16:00 – 17:30
Venue: Jones Day, Concertgebouwplein 20, 1071 LN Amsterdam
15:30 Registration and coffee
16:00 Welcome by Luc Houben, Chairman of Dujat
16:05 “EU regulation of AI” by Laurent De Muyter, Partner at Jones Day Brussels
16:25 “Protecting IP rights for AI” by Andreas Holzwarth, Partner at Jones Day Frankfurt
16:45 “IBM’s view on AI opportunities” by Phaedra Kortekaas, Country Leader at IBM Consulting the Netherlands
17:05 Q&A
17:25 Closing remarks
17:30 Drinks & Networking
18:30 End of Event