The current crisis has a huge impact on our lives and companies, but is particularly critical for the cultural and creative sectors due to the lockdown measures. Today, more than ever, the importance of culture and creativity for society is clear. The availability of cultural content contributes to mental health and well-being, and these cultural institutions are unable to operate until June.
Considering this, we as a networking organization would like to address our cultural members, and host a special event where they can personally present their museum/orchestra to our network.
All participating members have prepared something to present to you during this virtual event, and we are all really looking forward to share this with you, right before their reopening on 1 June. After the official programme there will also be an opportunity for virtual networking in the chatbox which will stay open until 17:30.
It will be a unique event to celebrate culture, something different than our other webinars, so please join us for an inspiring afternoon and support our cultural members!
Date: Thursday 28 May
Time: 15:30 – 17:00 (CEST)
15:15 Registration/Log in
15:30 Welcome by Luc Houben, Chairman of Dujat
15:35 Introduction by Christa de Kemp, Managing Director of Dujat
15:40 “A Musical Greeting from our Orchestras” hosted by Rob Streevelaar, Director of Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra|Netherlands Chamber Orchestra & Kim Kahn, Manager Donor Relations, Partners & Fundraising
15:50 “Dreaming: Van Gogh & Japan” by Louis van Tilborgh, Senior Researcher at Van Gogh Museum
16:00 “Journey of the Keiga folding screen” by Daan Kok, Curator of National Museum of World Cultures
16:10 “Black in Rembrandt’s Time” by Lidewij de Koekkoek, Director of Rembrandt House Museum
16:20 “NEKO. The Cat in Japanese Art.” by Kris Schiermeier, Director of Japan Museum SieboldHuis
16:30 “The Fortified City” by René de Kam, Curator of Centraal Museum
16:40 “Wagenaar: Overture ‘The Taming of the Shrew'” hosted by Patty Nobrega, Manager Corporate Partnerships of Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest
16:50 Closing Remarks
16:55 Virtual Networking
17:30 End of Event