Dear members of Dujat,
The year 2017 has nearly come to an end. This year was very successful voor Dujat.
We could welcome 17 new members this year and we had many events. Many members joined our events, so we think you appreciated our efforts.
We could close our year programme last week with our annual Dujat dinner in Hotel Okura Amsterdam. This year we had no less than 280 guests, an all-time record voor Dujat. We received many positive reactions about the dinner.
And of course we had the 6th edition of the Deshima awards (joint cooperation of NFIA, JCC and Dujat). This year the awards were presented to Kikkoman (best well established company award) and Mitsubishi Corporation Life Sciences (MCLS Europe) for best newcomer company award. Congratulations again to those 2 excellent companies!
For next year we have an exciting programme for you ahead, starting with our New Year party on January 29th. Invitation for this event will follow soon. And many more events are coming up (seminars, company visits and meet & greets). The updated proramme 2018 can be seen here.
I would like to draw your special attention to the Dujat trip to Japan. The date is fixed June 4th – June 8th. There will be a full programme: an agricultural seminar, company visits, reception with the Advisory Board of Dujat at the residence of H.E. Mr. A. Jacobi, Ambassador of the Netherlands in Japan, and much more. We will provide more information beginning next year. All Dujat members are welcome to join.
For now I would like to wish you festive holidays and a happy New Year. And above all a healthy and prosperous 2018 for you and your loved ones.
Christa de Kemp
Managing Director Dujat