Yesterday we were honored to be invited by NV NOM for an exclusive visit to the hydrogen hub in Groningen with a small delegation. Thank you NOM, RWE Eemshaven, New Energy Coalition and EnergyStock BV / HyStock Waterstofopslag for the very interesting programme!
RWE Eemshaven:
The visit started at RWE Eemshaven with a presentation about the latest hydrogen developments and a guided tour. With more than 125 years of successful history, RWE has undergone fundamental change and is now a leading supplier of renewables worldwide. With wind farms, solar power and battery storage facilities in many countries. RWE is actively involved in the development of innovative hydrogen technologies. The H2 molecule is considered to be an important future building block of a successful energy transition. RWE is a partner in over 30 H2 projects and is working on solutions for decarbonising the industry with associations and corporations like Shell, BASF and OGE. Hydrogen projects are comprehensively supported in the separate Hydrogen department of the subsidiary RWE Generation.
Lunch with Presentation New Energy Coalition:
After the visit at RWE, Patrick Cnubben, Director strategy Hydrogen at New Energy Coalition, shared his vision on developments in this area.
HyStock in Zuidwending:
The area in the northern Netherlands has the ideal subsoil for realising salt caverns. In Zuidwending, near Veendam in the province of Groningen, EnergyStock already stores natural gas in six caverns. Gasunie plans to develop the first large-scale hydrogen storage at this location. In total, 4 hydrogen caverns will be developed here with a total storage capacity of 20 ktonnes of hydrogen. The site at Zuidwending is also particularly suitable because it is located near the natural gas network. Part of the natural gas network will be converted into a national hydrogen network in the coming years.