[2021-06-24] Japan Meets Brabant Hybrid Event: Accelerating New Technologies – Learn how 5G and AI can boost your business, and how cyber security can protect it.

This event is for invitees only. If your company is member of Dujat, please contact our office
and we will send you the invitation. 
In collaboration with Brabant Development Agency (BOM), High Tech Campus Eindhoven, 5G Hub and Soliton Systems, we are pleased to invite you to join our upcoming hybrid event on 5G, artificial intelligence and cyber security, and how these new technologies can boost your business.

The event will take place on Thursday 24 June 9:00 – 10:30 CEST, a time we chose so our members from overseas and especially Japan can also witness the online event.

Live broadcasted from the AI Innovation Center at High Tech Campus Eindhoven, experts in the field will give an update on the developments on 5G, Artificial Intelligence, and cyber security.

There will be two ways to join this event, online from your (home-) office or offline at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. In case of the offline edition, please understand that there are very limited seats available due to COVID-19 restrictions, and that we are strictly following the guidelines.

Date: Thursday, 24 June, 2021

Time: 9:00 – 10:30 (CEST) / 16:00 – 17:30 (JST)

Language: English


08:30   Start registration on-site guests, welcome with coffee & tea

09:00   Opening remarks by Luc Houben, Chairman of Dujat

09:05   Update High Tech Campus Eindhoven by Cees Admiraal, Business Development Director at High Tech Campus Eindhoven

09:15  How co-creation in the 5G Hub shortens a product’s time-to-market by Iris Hertsenberg, Business Development Manager at Ericsson

09:40   5G and Ultra Low Latency to shape the ever evolving autonomous capabilities by Go Ito, Commercial Director at Soliton Systems Europe

09:50   Cyber Security: Managing the Hybrid Workspace by Hans-Peter Ponten, Product Manager at Soliton Systems Europe

10:00   Industrializing AI in Brainport Eindhoven by Paul van Son, Innovation Manager at High Tech Campus Eindhoven

10:15   Q&A

10:25   Closing remarks by BOM Foreign Investments

10:30   End of Event, coffee & tea on terrace + optional tour for on-site guests