[2023-05-19] AgriFood Seminar: Strengthening the Dutch and Japanese Agrifood sectors

Last week the Dutch-Japanese agrifood seminar took place at the AgVenture Lab in Tokyo. The seminar was opened by Mr. Atsushi Yasutake, President and CEO at Norinchukin Bank Europe and Board member of Dujat, and also by Mr. Luc Houben, Chairman of Dujat.

The first presentations came from the Dutch side, with a detailed presentation on the environmental impacts of food & agriculture by Mr. Rick Tervoort, Senior Research Analyst at Norinchukin Bank Europe. Mrs. Denise Lutz, Agriculture Attache at the Embassy of the Netherlands in Japan told about the transition of Dutch agriculture, including climate challenges and new innovations and technology. Then, Mr. Marco Smit, Managing Director of Horizon Flevoland presented about the opportunities for the agriculture sector in the province of Flevoland in the Netherlands.

After a short break, Mr. Hiroshi Takashima, Research Counselor at Norinchukin Research Institute (NRI), Advisor on Sustainability and Global Financial Regulations Norinchukin Bank presented about Finance Alliance for Nature Positive Solutions (FANPS), and Mr. Shigemori, Partner at EY Strategy and Consulting Co., Ltd. spoke about global and Japanese AgTech trends, and about M&A.

Lastly, Mr. Tadahiro Ohara, General Manager at Denso Corporation and Ms. Katsuru Kobayashi, Manager at Denso Corporation explained about their experiences through the collaboration with the Dutch company Certhon, which is a top player in the horticulture industry. They told about their challenges and the solutions to these challenges.

We extend our sincere gratitude to all who collaborated, an those who joined this seminar.

This event is for Dujat members and invitees only.
If your company is member of Dujat and you did not receive the invitation, please contact our office

After our successful agricultural events in Japan, in 2018 at EY office Tokyo, and in 2019 at Salad Bowl in Yamanashi Prefecture, we are pleased to finally invite you to attend this year’s AgriFood Seminar on Friday 19 May at AgVenture Lab Tokyo.

At this seminar, Mr. Atsushi Yasutake, President and CEO at Norinchukin Bank Europe, will first give a welcome address, followed by a presentation on the environmental impacts of food & agriculture by Mr. Rick Tervoort, Senior Research Analyst at Norinchukin Bank Europe.

We then welcome Mrs. Denise Lutz, Agriculture Attache at the Embassy of the Netherlands in Japan to give us a presentation. Then, Mr. Marco Smit, Managing Director of Horizon Flevoland will explain about the agrifood sector in Flevoland with his presentation: “Achieving more with less in Agrifood”.

The second part of the seminar will feature a presentation from Norinchukin Bank Research Institute about Finance Alliance for Nature Positive Solutions (FANPS), and from EY Tokyo by Mr. Shigemori, Partner at EY Strategy and Consulting Co., Ltd., who will talk about the latest trends in smart agriculture in Europe.

The seminar is concluded with a testimonial by Ms. Katsuru Kobayashi and Mr. Tadahiro Ohara from Denso Corporation. There will be room for questions at the end of the seminar. For more details, we refer to the programme below and on our event website.

Unfortunately we have limited capacity for this event and will close the registration as soon as the maximum has been reached. Please also note that some parts of the contents may be changed.

Date: Friday 19 May

Time: 13:30 – 17:00

Venue: AgVenture Lab, 1-6-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004

Language: English


13:30   Registration

14:00   Opening remarks by Mr. Atsushi Yasutake, President and CEO at Norinchukin Bank Europe

14:05   “The Environmental Impacts of Food & Agriculture” by Mr. Rick Tervoort, Senior Research Analyst at Norinchukin Bank Europe

14:25   “Dutch Agriculture in Transition” by Mrs. Denise Lutz, Agriculture Attache at the Embassy of the Netherlands in Japan

14:45   “Achieving more with less in Agrifood” – The Agrifood Sector in Flevoland by Mr. Marco Smit, Managing  Director of Horizon Flevoland

15:00   Coffee Break

15:15   Presentation by Mr. Hiroshi Takashima, Research Counselor at Norinchukin Research Institute (NRI), Advisor on Sustainability and Global Financial Regulations Norinchukin Bank

15:30   “The latest trends in smart agriculture in Europe” by Mr. Kosuke Shigemori, Partner at EY Strategy and Consulting Co., Ltd.

15:50   “Though the collaboration with a Dutch company” by Ms. Katsuru Kobayashi, Manager at Denso Corporation

“Though the technology developments together with a Dutch company” by Mr. Tadahiro Ohara, General Manager at Denso Corporation

16:10   Q&A and closing remarks by Mr. Luc Houben, Chairman of Dujat

16:20   Networking reception

17:00   End of Event